
Care and Cleaning of Binos

Care and Cleaning of Binos

By Ron Spomer

A hunting binocular is a bit like a hunting dog. You have to take care of it to get top performance. Fortunately, binos are more easily trained in basic obedience like sit and stay. Lay one on a stump, and it’ll stay there through rain, snow, cold and gloom for as many nights as it takes for you to locate it. If you happen to find the Bushne...


Recent GunHunter Features

Shotgun Choke Designations
Shotgun Choke Designations

By John Haviland

Other factors besides choke constriction influence pattern size, and only through testing can you learn how a load performs in your gun. Just because your shotgun choke is labeled modified doesn’t mean it will shoot a modified pattern... READ MORE

Safe Sense
Safe Sense

By Richard Mann

Are your guns safe from boogeymen, fire and kiddies? For a gun owner, the question should not be “Do I need a safe?” It should be “Which safe should I get?” Hunters are often hesitant to spend money on a gun safe. ... READ MORE

Short Magnums: A Flash in the Pan?
Short Magnums: A Flash in the Pan?

By Jon R. Sundra

The short, fat case design was a step forward, although a small one, in cartridge development. Photo: In 1998, gun writer Rick Jamison, in cooperation with Ruger and Winchester, developed the .300 JRW, but it never made it to market. The au... READ MORE

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