Tips & Tactics

Entries for February 2018

The Deer Camp Fridge Test

The Deer Camp Fridge Test

By Noel Prevost

Like many hunters, my deer camp is a long distance from home. In my case, the deer grow larger in the northern portion of the state, so that’s where my cabin and camp are. Because it’s a 3 1/2 hour drive, I can’t check on our place very frequently during the off season, so it will go for months without attention. If the power has ... READ MORE

Gut Instinct Leads to Gut Pile

Gut Instinct Leads to Gut Pile

By Lee Hutcherson

Although I’ve only been hunting whitetails a few short years, I no longer wander around undecided about where I will hunt. This season, I learned something that other Buckmasters fans might appreciate. I’m blessed to hunt 2,000 acres of private land, so picking a spot to hunt can be a little overwhelming at times. Heck, it’s hard ... READ MORE

Slip-on Mud-buster and Scent Rag

Slip-on Mud-buster and Scent Rag

By Brian Soderston

Anyone who has hunted from a metal treestand and had a chunk of mud fall off a boot will tell you the same thing. It’s usually a quiet day, and the clod always hits something metal on its way to the ground, creating a loud, unwanted noise. And why does this seem to happen at the worst possible time, when deer are near your stand? Talk about ... READ MORE

Train Your Best Friend to Find Sheds

Train Your Best Friend to Find Sheds

By Irby C. Edwards III

Now that I have trained my young Labrador Retriever to find sheds, I look forward to my time in the woods at the end of deer season. Remi’s nose comes in handy here in Georgia where ground cover is thick. Sheds are much harder to find in the forests of the Deep South, unlike the giant fields and open ground in the Midwest. It was easier to tr... READ MORE

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