Hunting News

Hunting plans change? Donate that license

Hunting plans change? Donate that license

By New Mexico Department of Game & Fish

New Mexico hunters are reminded that in the event they can’t use their hunting license this season, it can be donated for a youth to use.

The State Game Commission has authorized two nonprofit organizations, the New Mexico Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife of Farmington and the Donald R. Kemp Youth Hunting Club in Las Cruces, to receive donated hunting licenses and provide them to qualified youths to use.

Requests to donate hunting licenses must be made in writing to the department before the start of the hunt. The department recommends submitting the request well in advance to give the organizations time to find an eligible recipient.

When a recipient is located, the department will transfer the existing license to them. Hunters should be aware that for mandatory harvest reporting species, the license holder is responsible for filing a harvest report until the transfer is completed or if no recipient is found.

Last year, 23 youths age 17 and younger got to go hunting with donated licenses.

To make arrangements to donate a hunting license or for more information about the program, hunters should contact the department’s Information Center by calling (888) 248-6866 or send an email to

No refunds are offered for donated licenses. Tor exceptions that qualify for a refund or transfer of a hunting license, see the 2017-2018 Hunting Rules and Information Booklet at

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