Tips & Tactics

Dental Care for Hunting Dogs

Dental Care for Hunting Dogs

By Nationwide

Many hunters and dog owners don't realize just how crucial oral care is for their best friend, or just how deadly dental disease can be. Some simple preventive measures can help extend the life of your hunting dog.

"Dental care is key in maintaining a pet's overall health," says Dr. Cori Gross, a field veterinarian for Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI).

Gross says bacteria in a dog's mouth can get into its bloodstream and infuse different organs, causing infections that can potentially cause death.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports the organs most often affected are the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, and even the nervous system.

Three Simple Steps to Dental Care:
1. Take your dog to get an annual vet exam, including a careful examination of its teeth and gums.
2. Start an at-home regimen. Ask your vet about a regular teeth brushing schedule and dog food specially formulated to help remove plaque and tarter.
3. Brush Those Teeth. You can buy pet toothpaste at the pet store, or better yet, schedule dental cleanings.

Signs Of Dental Disease
The American Veterinary Dental College lists the following indicators of dental disease in pets:

• Bad breath • Loose, discolored or tartar-covered teeth • Your pet is uncomfortable with you touching its mouth area • Drooling or dropping food • Bleeding from the mouth • Loss of appetite or weight loss

Your hunting dog's dental health should be a priority. If it shows any of these signs, you should schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

For more tips about your pet's health:

— Tip Courtesy of Nationwide

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