Ask The Biologist


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The Energizer Whitetail

The Energizer Whitetail

By Bob Humphrey

How long can a deer survive a single-lung shot from a bow and arrow? QUESTION: I recently shot a buck with my bow, and it was a complete pass-through. Upon retrieving my arrow, the blood on it was light red and there were a few bubbles on the Blood Ring. The first spots of any blood were 10 yards away where he stopped, but after that I tracked the ... READ MORE

Got a Light?

Got a Light?

By Bob Humphrey

Does smoking in a deer stand really affect your success? QUESTION: I have shot many deer over the years, and generally every time I had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. However I have only shot does. My question is, does smoking really affect seeing deer? — Quentin B. ANSWER: That’s a good question. An acquaintance of mine, who is a... READ MORE

Ghost Deer

Ghost Deer

By Bob Humphrey

How is it possible to see so many tracks without seeing the deer that made them? QUESTION: Please, please help. I have been hunting for 20 years and I have just received permission to bowhunt two properties in northern Ohio. Both are small properties: 5 acres and 10 acres. I was more excited than I had ever been about deer hunting. They are in sub... READ MORE

The Night Owl

The Night Owl

By Bob Humphrey

A mature buck is often nocturnal. Be patient and hope he makes a mistake. QUESTION: I’m getting pictures of a big buck on my trail camera, but only at night. Lately it’s been every night, but I never see him during the day. What can I do? — Adam P. ANSWER: I The short answer is be patient — and careful. If you’re consi... READ MORE

One Simple Rule

One Simple Rule

By Bob Humphrey

There are advantages to hunting certain locations at specific times of day. QUESTION: I have been told to hunt the bottoms in the mornings and the fields and field edges at dark. Is this true? ANSWER: It’s tough to give a concrete answer without more information about the region and habitat you hunt. However, I’ve hunted many areas wher... READ MORE

Cotton Is King

Cotton Is King

By Bob Humphrey

You don’t have to buy protein pellets to provide deer with supplemental food.QUESTION: We have heard that mixing cotton seed hull with our current feeding of corn and Antler Max is very beneficial for white-tailed deer. Is that true? Also, we have gathered lots of oak acorns and plan to add them to the mix this year. This is stuff we put in our gra... READ MORE

Find the Food

Find the Food

By Bob Humphrey

This hunter might be new, but he’s asking the right kind of questions. QUESTION: I am new to hunting (my second year) although I'm 52 years old and a disabled veteran. I’m limited to hunting public land in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts. While scouting, I have found wild grape vines on some of the public lands and was wondering i... READ MORE

Where Are The Big Bucks?

Where Are The Big Bucks?

By Bob Humphrey

QUESTION: We never see big bucks in the area we hunt, even on our cameras. Even deer we shoot with bigger bodies seem to have small basket racks. What can we do to change this situation? — Ellis C. ANSWER: As you’re probably aware, the three main factors that influence antler growth are age, nutrition and genetics. Let’s look at ... READ MORE

A Buck Named Lola

A Buck Named Lola

By Bob Humphrey

Can a doe really have antlers, and if so, how? QUESTION: Last year a guy in our town shot a doe with antlers. It was in late November and they were still covered in velvet. How is this possible? — Trent H. ANSWER: From a very young age we’re taught there is a difference between boys and girls, whether it be humans or deer. The truth o... READ MORE

Gut Shots Happen

Gut Shots Happen

By Bob Humphrey

The key to recovering paunch-shot deer is to back out quietly and wait. QUESTION: I’m hoping you can settle an argument. A friend told me that he would not hesitate to gut-shoot a deer if it was the only shot he had because he knows he’ll recover it. I say it’s a poor shot choice due to the high probability of not recovering the ... READ MORE

Made in the Shade

Made in the Shade

By Bob Humphrey

Food plots don’t have to be big, nor do you need a lot of equipment. QUESTION: I have property to hunt in Chadds Ford, Pa. My question is, what type of food plot do you suggest for a shady area? — Darren ANSWER: That’s really tough to answer without a lot more information. In order to give you accurate advice I’d need to k... READ MORE

You Heard What?

You Heard What?

By Bob Humphrey

Even if bleach worked for creating salt licks, there are much better things to use. QUESTION: I've heard a couple of people talking about pouring bleach on stumps and creating a salt lick that deer love. Is there any validity to this? I would think the bleach would be harmful to the deer and other wildlife. — Ronny H. ANSWER: I must admit tha... READ MORE

Picky Deer?

Picky Deer?

By Bob Humphrey

If you’re planting food plots and the deer aren’t using them, try to be different. QUESTION: I own some marsh land in lower Wisconsin. In the spring, there is standing water but it dissipates as time goes by to being moist. What crops would do best in this marshy soil? I've planted turnips two years in a row but have seen no deer eatin... READ MORE

Hog Wild

Hog Wild

By Bob Humphrey

Sandy soil presents enough problems without having to contend with hogs, too. QUESTION: I have 500 acres that has a lot of sandy soil. I've planted stuff every year, and nothing seems to grow. The other thing is, I have hogs at the feed all the time. I have seen some really good bucks, but they won’t come to the feeder, so I'm trying to plan... READ MORE

Shoot for the Moon

Shoot for the Moon

By Bob Humphrey

What’s the scoop on deer movement charts based on moon phase? Do they really work? QUESTION: I've been hunting for over 50 years and have seen a plethora of writings, discussion and videos on the use of moon phase wheels, gadgets and charts. I understand deer being creatures of habit pattern their behavior according to the moon phase, the ro... READ MORE

How Do You Improve Eden?

How Do You Improve Eden?

By Bob Humphrey

Tennessee couple with promising hunting ground wants to know where to start improving it. QUESTION: My girlfriend and I purchased 62 acres in north-central Tennessee. The central area of the property is pasture with several 1- to 2-acre cleared spots. We would like to know how to go about putting in food plots before we actually start living there... READ MORE

Beach Buck Confusion

Beach Buck Confusion

By Bob Humphrey

Is Florida home to three different species of whitetails? QUESTION: I live in Florida and am hoping to be a better deer hunter. Florida has three subspecies of white-tailed deer. I’m familiar with the Key deer, but what is the difference between the Florida coastal whitetail (O. v. osceola) and the Florida whitetail (O. v. seminolus). &mdash... READ MORE

Scent Ban Stinks!

Scent Ban Stinks!

By Bob Humphrey

Laws banning deer urine lures are not based on science. QUESTION: The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries just passed a new law for 2015 hunting season. No deer lure with deer urine or any body parts of a deer can be used in Virginia because of CWD. I Just had to throw out my Tink’s #69 because only synthetic lures can be used. ... READ MORE

Rub Line Ruler

Rub Line Ruler

By Bob Humphrey

You can't always judge a buck by the size of the rub. QUESTION: Last hunting season before Christmas, I found some really big rubs between on trees between 4 and 7 inches in diameter. They were in a swampy area in a creek bottom, in standing water and paralleling the edge of the swamp. The rub line seemed like it was a couple hundred yards long. I... READ MORE

Give Deer More of What They Need

Give Deer More of What They Need

By Bob Humphrey

QUESTION: The deer concession next to me has been clear cut...hardly a tree left. I am thinking/hoping those deer will be coming to my green fields this year. What can I plant that will provide lots and lots of forage for an increase in deer?  Do I double plant what I have used?  Is there another suggestion? — Bart L. ANSWER: I can... READ MORE

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